Monday, October 19, 2009

Inglenook Community High School Grad

Inglenook school had a great evening of stories and converstion. Why? Our Penguin Grad!
It was great to see the 'old' students and their families and talk about the past, present and the future. Over thirty five students graduated from Inglenook school, last year. Of that, 20 were Ontario scholars! Congratulations to all....the students, their parents and teachers for creating a caring educational environment. THANK YOU STUDENTS AND STAFF for creating such a great time!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kortright Natureland Pie Ceremony

Inglenook had a great field trip to Kortright Conservation Area. The autumnal grey skies did not hide the beauty of the forests and fields of this site. Students ambled down many paths to the creeks and marshland pond. Surprise...the swans were out in full force for great photo opportunities. At the end on the day, we had our annual Pie celebration. Eric Levitt, our student 'dictator' gave a great speech and Irene our math and science teacher recited the

mathematical pi ....chant. It all ended in the eating of 30 pies and in the very end a pie fight!

Autumn had made it's appearance....