Friday, December 14, 2012


Outreach is an essential program at Inglenook.  We would like to share a great new story about Outreach.  Erik Shaw is working with E.G.A.L.E. sponsor (Equity for Gay and Lesbians Everywhere). With their guidance, Erik is designing school curriculum to be LGBT inclusive.  His goal is to share his research with teachers to create a more diverse curriculum in History and Social Sciences.  Recently, Erik has taught a class in Classical studies, and researching a curriculum for Ancient Civilization grade 11 course. Erik has recently been asked by O.I.S.E. and the Durham board to give LGBT training for teachers in sensitivity and acceptance.  We at inglenook are very proud of Erik and wish to commend Erik for his service to create better educational environments.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Experience Edulearning

Learning is an experience! It can be fun! At Inglenook, we try to have a holistic understanding of learning and education. In Philosophy, while studying Epicurus, the students made 'posters' to 'wake up' the populus about the dangers of commerism.  In World Issues, students are constructing models of sustainable communities. To enjoy learning is to motivate learning. Thanks students and teachers for their courageous sense of wonder.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012



Every Wednesday, students do an Outreach project with an outside sponsor or teacher. This year, Ravi, our math. and science teacher is doing an outreach called" The Power of Food".  This group discovers new ideas about food in Toronto, through walks, talks and creation. Toronto is fortunate to have very supportive and innovative places like "Stop" that nourish their communities in education and food. "The Power of Food" group also creates menus, plans their own meals in our small kitchen.


Halloween is a great time to use the arts to express yourself in costume.  At Inglenook Community High School, we have a contest were everyone has fun and there is candy for all.  In the Year of the Bee, we had an extraordinary amount of students dress up in very, scary and very spooky and satirical costumes.

Congrats to all on a great event....and art, scariness and beeing.

Friday, June 29, 2012

ArtFlash Mob

This year in Non Traditional Art, the class wanted to create an interactive intervention.  After many discussions, we decide to walk through the new subway trains serving food to the TTC riders. Student

created 'artserving boards' as a 'artprop' to serve food to the TTC customers. The class started walking through the train at King station and finally served all the food by Davisville station.  Smiles, questions, and  art-fun occurred during our artflash mob. Joy to all. Join the Inglenook info session August 28th at 1 p.m.  Have a good summer.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Raising the rainbow flag

Although in some parts of the world diverse sexual orientations and gender identity are becoming more accepted, members of the LGBTTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Two-spirited, and Queer) community still experience discrimination, harassment and persecution. In order to address the challenges faced by the LGBTTQ community, the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia was created.     Inglenook Community High school had a raising the rainbow flag to celebrate the day.  It was
beautiful day and students and staff made speeches and completed the ceremony with a outdoor dance.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

MentalpaLooza Conference and events

Inglenook Community High School has a conference every year on topical, current issues. This year's topic
was mental health.  One in Five Canadians have mental health issues.  The conference was to explore the
issue of mental health in Canada, have an wellness village of seminars and activities and develop strategies

of how to deal with mental health issues in school and society. One of our activities was to create an 'breathing space' visual spot, that represented our idea of a space of our centre of being. It was a great experience!  Students and staff had a great creative time. The conference is an example of our alternative school committment to alternative education and differentiated learning.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


WE had a great day at Horseshoe Valley resort. The weather was cold but the sun was out and the conditions were great. Students had a wonderful day skiing, snowboarding and eating poutine. It was part of the alternative school ski club event, which had 4 alternative schools participating.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Bowling is a great way to entertain, socialize and build community. During our orientation week, Inglenook went bowling. There were prizes for the best costume, the highest score and the student who helped make the event work. It was a fun event. the galaxy 'black lights' and music added to the social atmosphere. Whether students received a 'spare, strike, or gutter ball'

during their attempts, students and staff were very supportive and.....the fries....mmm..helped out too. Thank you, for a fun, social, event.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Elvis Day

Every year, Inglenook has a tribute day for Elvis, the King of Rock and Roll. It is an important day to remember the achievements and cultural influences on our world. It is a celebration of diversity and fun. This year, the kitchen was a hive of creativeness. Our Elvis impersonator, Dr. Bob, made special flatbreads smothered in grilled bananas, strawberries and whipped cream. Throughout the school, the music and songs of Elvis made us 'all shook up' ! We thought of the influence of rock and roll on our culture and sang happy birthday to Elvis. It was art, culture and media studies!