Thursday, May 17, 2012

Raising the rainbow flag

Although in some parts of the world diverse sexual orientations and gender identity are becoming more accepted, members of the LGBTTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Two-spirited, and Queer) community still experience discrimination, harassment and persecution. In order to address the challenges faced by the LGBTTQ community, the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia was created.     Inglenook Community High school had a raising the rainbow flag to celebrate the day.  It was
beautiful day and students and staff made speeches and completed the ceremony with a outdoor dance.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

MentalpaLooza Conference and events

Inglenook Community High School has a conference every year on topical, current issues. This year's topic
was mental health.  One in Five Canadians have mental health issues.  The conference was to explore the
issue of mental health in Canada, have an wellness village of seminars and activities and develop strategies

of how to deal with mental health issues in school and society. One of our activities was to create an 'breathing space' visual spot, that represented our idea of a space of our centre of being. It was a great experience!  Students and staff had a great creative time. The conference is an example of our alternative school committment to alternative education and differentiated learning.