Friday, November 1, 2013

Community School

Inglenook is a community school.  We try to encourage group activities that creating a sharing, caring and inspiring ethos. Every year, we head up to the Kortright Centre to enjoy the beauty of nature.  Inglenook tries to connect the social with the emotional through our sharing of food, conversation and fun. Our pie ceremony is one of those activities.  On A VERY LONG picnic table, we count down the number of Pi and toast nature by having a banquet of pies. Its fun, social, emotion and community in one.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Chair Art Show

Athina's Craft ART 11/12 Had an project assignment to design and build a chair.  Seems like an easy task...but where to start? What is a chair? What can a chair say about our society, our psyche, our ideas about "chairness' and philosophy?  The class did a wonderful job at designing and building their chairs.  Watch out Milan! Here comes Ingl'design.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Obscure Clothing Day!

Clothing...we all enjoy creating our personalities with clothes.  But what about the obscure piece of clothing that you received at a birthday that you have not worn.  Inglenook Community School is have a Obscure Friday Dress event to appreciate the WONDER!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Epiphany is an Inglenook student, who enjoys her academic courses, being part of the student council and Outreach.  Epiphany would like to enter a program at university in environmental studies.  At Inglenook, you as a student, do not have to sacrifice your hobbies, interests because of program or bias.
Epiphany is currently completing her Outeach at Matthew Genser salon.  Epiphany always has wanted to learn about hair dressing, colouring, hair styling and now through her Outreach, she is able to nourish her non academic interest. " The Genser Salon is a great place.  The owner sings Disney songs and the atmosphere is great.  I don't want to be a hair dresser but have always wanted to explore it as an interest."
It can be done....'combing' your interests and academic! Ha!  Congrats....Epiphany.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ice Cream Infinity Day. last day of classes Semester 1

Inglenook Community High School celebrated the almost last day of the first semester with it's Ice Cream Infinity Day party. Ironically, it was the coldest day of the year, but students who were working hard to get in there final term work, appreciated the sweetness of the idea. is not alternative to eat ice cream in the middle of winter?  I say yes, and so did students and teachers. What a wonderful way to have closure on due dates for assignments and term work.  Eating a 'Cookies and Cream' ice cream cone.